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Public libraries embracing financial literacy

Public libraries embracing financial literacy

от Elka Zlateva -
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A series of international training events within FINLIT project is starting today 22 March, gathering key experts and piloting groups in all project countries - Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Roumania.  The complicated epidemic situation all over Europe, changed the format of this training activity from blended mobility of adult learners in Bulgaria to 4 online workshops via zoom in March and April. 

The training is scheduled as part of the piloting process and immediately after the FINLIT platform is structured and technically approved to function. The initially planned study visits will be replaced with virtual tours in the libraries and presentation of national library systems. Beside the project coordinators and key experts, the librarians from the piloting groups in all countries will take part - approximately 70 participants. 

This training will prepare librarians for the piloting process. They will learn how to work with the platform, how to train on the platform and how to engage financial expertise from different institutions to conduct consultations via the platform. Joint training will not only compose pool of key trainers for financial literacy through public libraries, but will also further on increase the cooperation among partners and moreover - will increase the quality of the following activities within the project. The trained librarians will be local coordinators for the piloting process in their regions.