Представяне по теми

  • Главна

  • What is e-learning?

    What is e-learning and can it be said that e-learning is happening just because learners and teachers use technology?

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  • E-learning: From replacing some face-to-face teaching to replacing it all

    Relationship between e-learning and distance education

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  • Elearning: A multi-faceted experience

    Teachers and library staff members can find it especially hard to balance the benefits of an e-learning environment with some of the technological limitations

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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance and e-Learning

    Despite its numerous drawbacks, distance learning still provides better learning options for students wishing to enjoy greater convenience and flexibility in pursuing a course. The greatest benefits of distance education is that it allows students to access numerous learning tools using minimum financial resources

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  • Libraries as e-learning spaces?

    Evaluate how libraries can best support the needs of staff and students engaged with e-learning methodologies in a broad and critical way

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  • E-learning in libraries as digital literacy

    Digital literacy has necessarily become a large part of library programming - across sectors.

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  • Library professionals as e-teachers

    Library professionals need to engage meaningfully with students in the adoption and use of e-learning platforms

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  • Teaching, learning and reflection

    One of the best ways libraries can support e-learning initiatives at their schools or villages is to be engaging critically with these practices in a reflective and relevant way

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  • Conclusion

    Developing dynamic and proactive digital literacy programming, becoming involved and embedded in e-learning initiatives, and responding critically to emerging and ongoing e-learning programs within our schools and communities will allow libraries and library professionals in educational institutions and villages to be allies in our changing pedagogies

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