The Mapping Report (IO1)


The project Financial Literacy Through Public Libraries (FINLIT) is aimed to provide librarians’ competences and skills intended to develop financial literacy of elder library users. The results of the project will offer comprehensive financial educational modules for trainers and trainees with guidelines and educational material accessible online.

This Mapping Report as a joint endeavour of the FINLIT partners is aimed to support the decisions on the contents and practices of the financial education programs for librarian trainers and participants in trainings carried out during the project. The Mapping Report also provides the latest situation on financial education in four partner countries, i.e. Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovenia. This report is an overview of national and international surveys related to the four countries, current national programs and initiatives concerning financial literacy, and different financial education practices or programs in each of the country. All of them provide a significant background for the development of systematic financial education programs in public libraries.

Librarians’ mission has always strived to foster life-long learning activities of library users. In this regard, public libraries are excellent environs for developing financial literacy programs. However, to accomplish this mission, librarians need additional skills and competences which will be provided by the FINLIT project. The findings of the libraries’ surveys undertaken by partner countries, provide information on hypothetical knowledge and skills, and interest in implementing the FINLIT educational programs by libraries.

In the last two chapters of the Mapping Report, a list of potential partners in financial literacy development in the partner countries is available, and some strategic and practical aspects for short- and long-term solutions in the implementation of financial literacy programs are described.

The Mapping Report offers the overview of four very different financial education situations and systems in the partner countries. There is also a considerable difference between partners’ public libraries in the implementation of financial educational programs for librarians and libraries’ users. However, all of them recognize the need for implementing these programs in their local communities.

PDF document

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