Aktualności z projektu

Piloting in Poland: online meeting for libraries - 17.03.2021 r.

Piloting in Poland: online meeting for libraries - 17.03.2021 r.

Napisane przez: Beata Tarnowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

On March 17, 2021, from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m., an online meeting with librarians carrying out the pilot project in Poland was held on the Zoom platform. Over 30 people participated in the meeting.

It was a workshop during which we discussed financial education courses on the finlit.eu platform. There was also time to ask questions and share information on the implementation of the basic level course with which librarians worked on the finlit.eu project platform.

The comments to the course submitted by librarians, which they made using a special form "Financial education - remarks, comments (finlit)", were also discussed.