National Conference on the Dissemination of the Results of the FINLIT Project -
”Financial Literacy through Public Libraries”
Multiplication event within the project “Financial literacy through public libraries”, co-funded by Erasmus program, contract No 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050839
December 17, 2021
The event in Romania was organized in hybrid format, with 20 participants present in the ”Ovid Densusianu” Hunedoara - Deva County Library, and a number of 19 participants attending the conference online, via Zoom.
The conference in Romania took place in the reading room of the ”Ovid Densusianu” Hunedoara - Deva County Library, and consisted of two parts. In the first part, a number of participants talked about the importance and impact of the FINLIT Project and that of financial literacy, in general:
Ioan Sebastian Bara, manager of the ”Ovid Densusianu” Hunedoara - Deva County Library;
Costel Avram, public administrator of the Hunedoara County Council;
Univ. Pr. Dr. Adrian Cioroianu, manager of the National LIbrary of Romania (via Zoom).
Greetings and a few words about the implementation of the FINLIT Project from our partners: Katarzyna Morawska, project coordinator in Poland (due to some technical issues she joined us only in the second part of the conference), Elka Zlateva, project coordinator in Bulgaria, Alenka Kavcic Colic and Milena Bon from Slovenia.
The five county libraries and the librarians involved in the piloting phase were awarded honorary diplomas by ”Ovid Densusianu” Hunedoara - Deva County Library. Their representatives - managers and librarians alike - took the opportunity to say a few words about the FINLIT Project, stressing the importance of financial education and courses delivered by libraries and aimed at the adult population. For instance, Sorina Stanca, manager of ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library, welcomed the implementation of such a project, targeted to an age group mostly neglected in our country.
The second part of the conference focused on the way the county libraries directly involved in the piloting phase chose to implement the FINLIT Project, the difficulties they had encountered and their successes and plans for the future:
Mariana Marian, country coordinator and librarian trainer, presented the FINLIT Project: ”Financial Literacy through Public Libraries”
Livia Marin, librarian trainer from the ”Vasile Voiculescu” Buzau County Library, shared her experience in the piloting phase (via Zoom);
Manuela Anghel, librarian trainer from the ”Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library, also talked about her participation in the piloting phase and delivered a presentation: … (via Zoom);
Ruxandra Nazare, librarian trainer from the ”George Baritiu” Brasov County Library, also delivered a presentation: ”Financial Literacy through Public Libraries - the Brasov Experience”
Liliana Moga, librarian trainer from the ”Nicolae Milescu Spatarul” Vaslui County Library, delivered a presentation: ”Courses of financial education in the ”Nicolae Milescu Spatarul” County Library” .
The feedback was definitely positive: throughout the discussions and presentations held during the conference, the participants promoted the importance of libraries and librarians as educators and providers of courses for age and social groups that had so far been neglected in our country. The accounts of the librarians from the piloting phase were based on hands-on experience in becoming FINLIT trainers, using the platform and delivering financial classes both online and offline.